Graeme and Marianne came round for a spot of tea and to torment us with 'Cranium'. Ivory came too, to torment Oscar and in turn Esmé had much fun tormenting Ivory!!! Although it was Marianne that dressed Ivory up as a Princess...
For those on you, lucky enough to have never experienced 'Cranium', we would strongly suggest that you keep it that way!!! How one board game can bring out so much aggression and frustration, is a mystery to us.
Sunday brought fair weather, hooray and at 4 after a cycle to Moniefieth and back, it seemed like a good idea to have the first family b-b-q of the year(we previously had a b-b-q one very cold starlight winters night)
The prawns were really good, so it was all worth while. Esmé helpfully handed out ice lollies for pudding, despite being frozen. Glad to see she is fully entering into the spirit of barbecuing in Scotland!
And to round it all off a nice buckie out for a wander.
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