Oh yes, the
BIG 3 0 comes to us all, but tomorrow James celebrates his 30th. In true bad taste, but because I am sweet really, I decided to ask Phyllis to email a cute picture of James for the blog and look what she sent...everyone say awwww!!! I think he is about the same age in the pic, as Esmé is now.
James is away out to celebrate with his friend, who has also just turned 30. Therefore I have been trying to create a cake for his birthday, also doing several other things at the same time.
Those of you know me will already be imagining the scene...
1. Marta gave me recipe this morning when I visited her, to wish her very Happy 30th Birthday!
2. I forgot recipe, therefore I was not able to remember everything I meant to buy.
3. I discover that I have no S/R flour, this is after Aimée and Ewa have brought recipe.
4. Marta's lovely hubby brings flour down to me.
5. I Fail to pay attention and pour all of the nuts in (app. 3x) actual amount needed and have to pick out as many as I can.
6 Friend pops in to pick up some stuff and laughs at my
cake, claiming that it looks like cookie mixture ~ at this point I realise I have forgotten about the milk..... at least I
realised before it went in the oven! Let's not mention the baking powder...
At the moment it is cooking and the worst thing is that I promised to make a cake, refused to buy one from the shops and am supposed to be taking to the in~laws for James's birthday tea tomorrow!!!! I don't know how I manage to create such disaster every time I bake. I have friends who laugh at my complete incompetence when it comes to baking, I think we can see where they are coming from. Fingers crossed that it tastes and looks ok!!!!! :-)
Happy 30th Birthday James, hope you have a Geograph-fantastic day!!!
Esmé wants to wish Alex a very Happy 3rd Birthday for tomorrow too!!!