We set off for Beinn A'Ghlo, out the back of Blair Atholl and parked at Loch Moraig around 9.
Our walking/Geographing weather recently has been poor, as a result we have not had the motivation to do any serious walking. We decided to make up for it, by aiming for lunch on Beinn A'Ghlo, having first walked up 3 Munros!
After a steep descent we trekking upwards and onwards towards Carn nan Gabhar, on BeinnA'Ghlo and our long awaited lunch.
Most hillwalkers walk for 2 reasons, they love the outdoors and the challenge. Why then would someone have such a lack of respect as to leave
their pole lying??? I am sure that there are possible good reasons, it did however look like it had been there for a while, we picked it up and chucked it the bin at home. I just wonder how long it had been there for???
We met plenty of fellow walkers enjoying the hills and views on Monday. On our way down from Carn nan Gabhar, we bumped into the chap who had parked next to us(he was still on his way up, although probably 30 years our senior!). He helpfully suggested that we try descending via the SE of Airgiod Bheinn, a top to the south of Beinn A'Ghlo. James had seen a path as we had set off and this seemed like a nice route to avoid having to scale our first 2 Munros again!
I did look at the map, I am a Geography teacher, I know it looked like the edge of an arete and the contour pattern clearly shows very steep land, with scree. There was however a path, which could be made out with ease at points. We descended what was the steepest, slippiest path covered in a mixture of loose rock and peat. By the time we were two-thirds down, we both feared that our jelly legs may give up at any point!!! A few other walkers followed us, one party turned back and descended by another route and made it to the bottom of Airgiod Bheinn before us(we overtook them, but only by enough for them to catch me having a 'comfort break ~ arghh!).
We had a fabulous day out, the weather was perfect, the views were amazing, the company unparalleled and tea, supplied on our return by Phyllis, with accompanying hugs from Esmé was perfect!!!
We enjoyed ourselves so much that we think managed to miss all the Geographs!!!!!!!!!!
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