Carnoustie Flower Show has been a great success this year. With more entries and competitors despight the terrible weather. The addition of extra categories into the photography section has paid off with more entries than ever before. So many that extra tables had to be put out on Thursday to give enough space. There were 6 categories and Gwen scooped a 1st and 2nd prize, particularly good as she only entered two. I had two 1st places and a 2nd place. However, my two favouite pictures didn't get a prize. Just goes to prove that everyone has a different taste. Or it could be that the very kind help received from Nick Morocco with the mounts was what swung it, my two faves were in black frames, so a big thanks to Nick. Our fruit and veg was poor this year and only the plumbs scraped a 3rd prize. The herbs did manage a 1st place although there were fewer competitors this year in this section.
It's that time of year again. Not enough time for much cooking this year but Gwen excelled herself with her crochet, her hat received a 2nd prize. Her felted bag made from an old jumper one a 1st in the new from old category. Esmé only had time for two entries as she was very busy with school but, she got a prize for each entry!
Esmé started school on Tuesday . She has grown up overnight and made us feel very old. Esmé really enjoyed colouring in and playtime. She also really likes her teachers.
We love candy, liquor...but seriously we enjoy being out of doors walking in the hills, exploring the beach and looking for fossils. When she is not teaching or being a mum, Gwen is loving cycling, running and crochetting, while James is popping into Primary Schools and when time allows taking beautiful photos and Esmé, well she just loves anything pink!