Esmé turned 4 on Thursday and we seem to have been celebrating ever since!

Esmé was delighted to have Alex round to show her new big girl Lego off to and everyone at nursery sang Happy Birthday to her.
Aunts, Uncles, Grannies and Granda popped in to help Esmé blow out her candles on birthday cake number 1.
To be honest it really doesn't feel like 4 years since we were bathing her in a basin on the same table featured in the picture!
Friday was Halloween, I really did want Esmé to be born on Halloween, but when it came to it, that was never going to happen.....
Esmé had her nursery Halloween party and dressed up in her pumpkin dress and got plenty of party game practise for Sunday.
I did dress up as a witch for work, but was gutted that I forgot my broom stick...
I still managed to forget it when we popped into the Abourkir's kids party in the evening :(

We had our annual family outing to the Carnoustie fireworks on Saturday, this year followed by soup at OC's.
Hopefully there will still be fireworks and a torchlit procession to go to next year, but lack of donations last year had put this years fireworks in jeopardy. There have been a alot of people trying to raise money to support the fireworks and hopefully more people made contributions this year.
It really would be a sad day if this tradition came to an end.

Sunday was party time. Friends and family were invited to Esmé's fancy dress Halloween birthday party. There was a fabulous fancy dress turn out amongst the children and the 'big kids' effort was pretty good too! A big well done to the all the winners, but especially to the Ghostbusters in the adult/big kid category!!! (May I add that Indian Jones was one of our favourites.) Once more we had fantastic selection of carved pumpkins for the pumpkin competition - well done everyone. So much easier than the dreaded turnip scooping our childhood...
The party was huge, busy, noisy and a bit mad. I think everybody enjoyed themselves, Esmé certainly did. There is no way we could have pulled it off had it not have been for the help and support we received. Like the Oscars there are too many people to thank everyone by name, but must say a special thank you to Granny Sheona and Granny Phyllis, Auntie Dawn and Marta.
Esmé has received so many lovely presents she has truly been spoilt, Esmé sends a big thank you.
So we are almost back to normality, whatever that is in our house, but we still have the fireworks on November 5th to look forward too!!!!